Men’s G-spots, however, like women’s, are one of the main subjects of heated discussion between sex experts and doctors around the world. Some experts consider it another myth that emerged as a result of the development of the porn industry, the growing popularity of shiny women’s and men’s magazines. Others argue that stimulation of G-spot skills in men can cause them to experience the strongest orgasms throughout the perineum, from the penis to the anus. Try to figure out who is right and who is wrong.
Arguments against "
Unlike the dispute about the presence of the G-spot in women, in this case the two conflicting parties seem to agree that a valued spot or, more precisely, a zone in the male body exists. And this is understandable, it would not happen to anyone to dispute the reality of the existence of the prostate gland.
However, many sex experts argue that most men do not like prostate massage. They attribute this to several factors:
Not all representatives of the stronger sex are happy with the introduction of a foreign object, even their lover’s finger, into a secret place of their body such as the rectum.
Agree, concepts like defecation and sexual pleasure are somehow less linked to each other.
Less sensation
Stimulation of the prostate gland is accompanied by the appearance of pleasant sensations of a sexual nature, not in all men.
In addition, doctors ’attitudes toward prostate massage, even for medical purposes with prostatitis, are far from ambiguous. In Western countries, in modern medical guidelines for the treatment of prostatitis, prostate massage was excluded from the list of recommended therapeutic measures as early as 1968. In contrast, prostate massage is widely practiced in developing countries. Therefore, many Americans go to the Philippines to take this massage course.
However, almost all doctors agree that prostate massage should be performed by a specialist with proper medical education and skills related to this complex medical and diagnostic procedure.
Arguments for "
Adherents of the use of prostate stimulation during love games give the following arguments in their favor:
First, this type of massage is an excellent prevention of prostatitis, waiting for a man closer to his 40th birthday, and impotence, which men of all ages are more or less prone to.
Second, prostate massage is an excellent remedy for the now fashionable "blue" experiments and travel to the left. In addition, many women believe that if a partner allows them to do this, it means they occupy a special place in her life.
Third, erotic prostate massage techniques have almost nothing to do with medical massage techniques. The medical procedure can be compared to wiping dry grease stains from the kitchen with regular powder, cheaply and with maximum effort. Erotic massage, performed by the gentle hands of the couple, is a completely different matter.
Fourth, many sexologists advise using external prostate massage as an alternative, making sure it can lead to no less sweet sensations.
It is up to you to decide whether to experiment with male G-spots in your sex life. Just weigh the pros and cons and make sure you discuss the issue with your partner or spouse.